A sounding of tones.
A sounding of hermetically tuned vibrations.
These Vibrations call to order all the essences of life.
They are an alphanumeric code of the
“true language” of the created universe.
It is the Song of the Indivualized Essential Essence.
Within this Song we must pay attention to the repetition of the words, or tones that represent our individual melody played within the universal tones. Much like distinguishing the sound of a river as it enfolds into the Ocean.
Stepping into the pure prismatic mathematical preparation
is a light year jump.
Physis Numericals are the quantum catalyst that allows resonant defragmentation at a sub-atomic level to remove the dampening field encircling the mind and introduce a resonance that reconnects the electromagnetic fields of the brain and heart in proper alignment.
Purely energetic information. That purely energetic information added into the tachyonic field starts
the reorganization of any chaos or anomally.
Recover the relics that are required to activate the circle and finish the pure mathematics of sound and
rectified reflected light. (reflective resonance) 3/24/08
Dynamic Numericals
Water Marks of the Future
“New Strategies in Science and Research”
· Dynamics relating to the Structure of Water
· Numerical markers in DNA related to health, wellness and the advancement of humanity
· Pure Mathematical construct of Nature
· Mapping the Algorithmic Markers of Neural Field Function
· Effects of Sound and Electro Magnetic frequency on the structure of and interaction between
Water, DNA and Neural Fields
From “Dancing with the Rainbow” by Martha Sarasua © 1997 (revised edition © 2021)
From Chapter 14: Physics of Water and Water Medicine
Selected Paragraphs
Water is the most common and important liquid on Earth. It is critical to life on earth. Water is also a major component of the physical health and energetic balance within our bodies. Human blood, called by the ancients the Water of Life, is an aqueous (water-based) suspension of cells, salts and proteins important to health. The interior of our cells and the extracellular matrix surrounding them are all water-based solutions or suspensions.
Liquid water has the capability of rearranging its dynamic structure in response to sound, whether
music or the spoken word
“The sound of water says what I think”
A newer form of water medicine has been developed by my friend Alice C. Merritt. She started out as a clinical pharmacist then studied homeopathy. She had a Homeopathic practice in Atlanta, but felt something was missing. So she traveled the world with us for many years. Back in the US, she finally decided that there was a better was to use plant medicine. Feeling the spirit of the plant, harvesting it at the proper time (astronomical, astrological, and heart-led) and from the proper soil, she developed a new form of Water Medicine called “numericals.” She allowed the plant (or other medicinal agent) to be placed in clean water giving it time to set the energy signal. Acoustic tones were used to root the signal in the transformed structure of the liquid water. She then followed dilutions of the mother water that went by more natural mathematical series, rather than the man-made concept of base 10 (easy to follow, but not naturally based). In addition, through energetic resonance with the “disorder” in question, she placed specific natural mathematical algorithms within the water whose energetic effect on the water would carry the healing energy or “tone” through dilutions carried out via natural mathematical series.
As discussed earlier, Nature follows very precise mathematical patterns in its evolution, growth and change. The base of the natural exponent (e) is a very strange number: 2.714… (a repeating decimal that like pi, π, never ends, an infinite decimal number). Yet it is this number which defines bacterial growth, natural radioactive decay, and many other processes of natural change. The Fibonacci series is also an integral part of natural growth. The spirals of the nautilus, the petals in a flower, many things of nature follow this series. It is simply constructed by each number being the sum of the previous two: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13…
Back to our simple, yet ever complex water molecule. Its special chemical composition and 3-dimensional structure lend it the unique and special properties discussed above. Liquid water is capable of carrying energetic memory, whether in the form of chemical touch (for example, through the mathematical energy signature of a healing plant) or via other energy signatures such as acoustical tonal forms (f.e. music) or conscious thought patterns generated from the heart/brain field interactions. Water has the capability of “remembering” such specific mathematical signatures placed within it via algorithmic alterations to its dynamic liquid structure (placed with proper, directed intent).
The brain and heart are composed of 73% water [H.H.Mitchell J.Biol. Chem 158- add full ref]. As noted above, sound has profound effects on the structure of liquid water. Thus, it is not surprising to discover that sound vibrations have great healing effect on both of these critical organs. As discussed in earlier chapters, the brain and heart are the largest electromagnetic field generators in the body. Proper alignment of these fields is necessary for the resonant pattern that allows the brain to rise above ordinary thought to its unbound, unlimited state. For traumatic brain injury states in particular, tonal energetic imprints can be a powerful method for healing. Specific acoustical tonal progressions can be designed to carry mathematical algorithms that, through their effect on the liquid water structure within the brain and heart, can reset the injured pattern back to resonant alignment. Acoustic patterns, seemingly short, simple or hidden, can carry profound effect by allowing the water structure of these two critical organs to awaken and remember their primary resonant healed state.
Such are the Waters of Life.
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